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Clayton Morris

My Boys Can’t Swim!

A new study shows that sperm counts worldwide are half of what they were five decades ago. Half!? You have my attention… Researchers analyzed 223 sperm count studies based

Clayton Morris

Well, These Headlines Didn’t Age Well

A missile landed in Poland on Tuesday, killing at least two people. The media was quick to report that this was done by Russia and WWIII trended

Clayton Morris

Trump 2: The Sequel

Former President Trump is looking to become the next President Trump. He announced this intention last night. It’s not too surprising but, maybe a little surprising. The

Clayton Morris

Simply Not True

Many reports have claimed that the government of Iran has sentenced 15,000 protestors to death since the protests began around the death of Mahsa Amini. This is

Clayton Morris

Laziness in France

What is French for “lazy day?” Jour de flemmardise. Apparently, the French have had a lot of them since the pandemic. A new study shows that the

Clayton Morris

The Theater of The G20

Leaders of the G20 Summit are gathering this week, many doing a dance between speaking of peace, trying not to step on toes, condemning Russia