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Clayton Morris

Sorry Soros, Your Man Is Out in Oregon

It turns out that voters don’t like high homicide rates and drug overdose deaths. Voters in ultra-liberal Portland, Oregon just voted out the District Attorney whose policies

Clayton Morris

Are Covid Punishments FINALLY Coming?

The first Dr. Peter Daszak may be the first person to be punished for his role in the Covid-19 pandemic. The U.S. Department of Health

Clayton Morris

Why Are EV’s Such Killers?

Why are electric vehicles so lethal for pedestrians? A new study shows that EVs kill TWICE the number of pedestrians than gas-powered cars in the U.K. Researchers

Clayton Morris

Team Fauci Ready to Testify Before Congress

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s advisor will testify to the Congressional Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic today which is inconvenient timing after it was reported that he was trying to