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Clayton Morris

Google… Show Me A White Person

Google Gemini just does not like white people. Google’s AI image generator has turned up ridiculously inaccurate image depictions such as Asian women being depicted as Nazis

Clayton Morris

What a Crock of…

The city of Chicago will sue oil and gas companies and their lobbyist group for “allegedly deceiving the public about the climate crisis.” The mayor is seeking money

Clayton Morris

Israel says “No State For You”

Israel took up a vote in the Knesset on Wednesday regarding recognition of a Palestinian state. The result was a resounding no with 99 votes against it.

Clayton Morris

Fluoride is Poisoning Americans

Is fluoride in the water bad for us? Oh yes it is and the U.S. government knows that it is and they’ve been forced to

Clayton Morris

Election Chaos in Pakistan

Shehbaz Sharif has been named Prime Minister in Pakistan as his party has organized a government, despite the fact that many believe that the elections were illegitimate. In