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Clayton Morris

Can ‘Davos Man’ Rebuild Trust?

The theme at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davis this year is “Rebuilding Trust.” Could that be because they know that the world doesn’t

Clayton Morris

CNN Admits They Are a Propaganda Network

CNN admitted that the Israeli government censors its coverage of the war on Gaza. Is it any wonder that trust in the media continues to plummet?

Clayton Morris

A Political Revolution in Germany

A new political party in Germany would end net-zero policies and aid to Ukraine but “appeal to culturally conservative and economically left-wing voters.” What does

Clayton Morris

California “Girls”

California taxpayers will now pay for sex changes for illegal immigrants. As of January 1, the state’s new healthcare system expands coverage for over 700,000 undocumented

Clayton Morris

Fauci Doesn’t Recall

Dr. Anthony Fauci remembers very little about the pandemic. He testified in a closed-door session with Congress on Monday and reportedly answered “I don’t recall” or “I

Clayton Morris

Surrogates: An Ethical Debate

The Pope spoke out against surrogacy on Monday in surprisingly strong language. Surrogacy is when a woman carries and births a child in her womb for other