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Covid: It’s Time They Admit The Harm

The former director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that health officials must admit that healthy people were harmed by the Covid vaccine. So why won’t they?

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield told Chris Cuomo that the Covid vaccine was largely unnecessary for people under the age of 65 and yet that is exactly the population that was harmed the most by the vaccine.

“I have a number of people that are quite ill and they never had COVID, but they are ill from the vaccine,” he said. “And we just have to acknowledge that.”

Can we shrug this off because we didn’t know at the time that Covid was not a major health risk for young people and we did not know the negative effects of the Covid vaccine? No we cannot. We knew both things but we were forbidden from discussing both things.

New data collated from the CDC by he Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OEC) shows that excess deaths among people under the age of 44 skyrocketed throughout 2021 after the vaccine rollout. This data shows that close to 500,000 people died in “excess deaths” post vaccination but no government health official has acknowledged it. Why does someone have to be the former head of the CDC to say this in public?

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