U.S. State Department Admits The Truth About Ukraine

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The State Department has admitted in a memo that the U.S. is fighting in Ukraine in order to make money rebuilding Ukraine. They also admit that corruption in Ukraine is a problem that is getting in the way of that sinister plot.

new State Department memo was leaked this week. It is called the Integrated Country Strategy. It shows how the United States wants to be the one to make money rebuilding Ukraine, not those Russian oligarchs!

“A clear, transparent strategy to deoligarch the economy and deliver prosperity for all is central to these reforms. Achieving this public commitment to reform and real implementation will send positive signals to private sector investors for the recovery and reinforce U.S. and international military, development, and economic support,” the memo says.

But oligarchs ARE private sector investors!! An oligarch is just a powerful businessperson from the private sector. So what they’re saying quite clearly is that the U.S. wants Russian business people OUT in Ukraine and U.S. businesspeople IN.

This is consistent with why the U.S. invaded many Middle East countries: Private interest businesses did not want Arab countries conflicting with their interests so the government did their bidding and invaded. We’ve SEEN THIS BEFORE. Are we really going to let it happen again?

According to the State Department, in order for this plan to work, Ukraine first has to “slay the corruption dragon.” Oh you know that little thing that has the Ukrainian government paying off politicians, benefiting from the private and public sector, terrorizing opposition leaders, banning opposition media and closing churches, ripping the public of religious freedom? That little thing? Is it really just a little housekeeping matter?

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