Who Will Control The Internet?

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FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr is warning that the Biden Administration is about to hand the FCC unprecedented power and control of the Internet. This is the head of a federal commission warning about the power his commission is about to receive. We should pay attention to this!

The FCC is about to vote on “President Biden’s plan to give the Administrative State effective control of all Internet services and infrastructure.” Carr published a warning that this new plan was equivalent to Soviet-era planning and control.

He says that these are “new rules of breathtaking scope, all in the name of ‘digital equity.’ For the first time ever, those rules would give the federal government a roving mandate to micromanage nearly every aspect of how the Internet functions—from how ISPs allocate capital and where they build, to the services that consumers can purchase; from the profits that ISPs can realize and how they market and advertise services, to the discounts and promotions that consumers can receive. Talk about central planning.”

Meanwhile, the Biden administration blames the private sector for the current digital problems.

What can we as citizens do about it? Nothing. The FCC is voting on giving itself its own powers. That doesn’t seem right, does it?

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