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Clayton Morris

Biden’s Big Boy Doctor’s Appointments

The Washington Times reports that a neurologist and Parkinson’s disease specialist has visited the White House at least ten times since November 2022, presumably to care for

Clayton Morris

Ukraine’s Hospital Bombing

Ukraine has accussed Russia of striking a children’s hospital in Kiev on Monday but Russia says that photos and videos “from Kiev clearly confirm the fact of

Clayton Morris

Biden’s Gender Plans Hit a Road Block

The Biden administration’s Title IX rules that would extend women’s rights to men who identify as women has been halted by litigation from federal judges

Clayton Morris

Israel Admits to Killing Its Own People

Israeli newspaper Haaretz says that the Israeli army killed many, many Israeli citizens on October 7. This is not new information. What is new is that Haaretz has reported it.

Clayton Morris

Ukraine Said What?

Ukraine says that they are killing more Russian soldiers than you think. This was reported by The Economist, apparently from “leaked documents from the U.S. Defense Department.”

Clayton Morris

Putting President Biden Out To Pasture

Pressure is mounting for President Biden to end his bid for re-election. Congress has been out of session since the June 27 debate but they