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Clayton Morris

Poor Pfizer

Pfizer says that profit for 2023 will be down due to low demand for the Covid vaccine. “We are in the middle of the Covid fatigue. Nobody

Clayton Morris

China Tightens Its Belt and Road

Russian President Vladimir Putin is amongst many leaders in China today for the Belt and Road Initiative meeting. Other participating world leaders include Chilean President Gabriel

Clayton Morris

U.S. Strikes a Deal with Venezuela

The United States is expected to announce a deal with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro later today. The deal would ease sanctions on Venezuela and allow the U.S.

Clayton Morris

Australians Vote Against Racism

A major vote in Australia this weekend had voters choosing not to give separate governmental power and recognition to indigenous people. The amendment would create a governmental

Clayton Morris

The Jim Jordan Jostling Returns

Representative Jim Jordan has been nominated to be the next Speaker of the House of Representatives. After the nomination he lost one round of voting before the