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Clayton Morris

France on Fire

French President Emmanuel Macron invoked special constitutional powers to raise the retirement age from 62 to 64 years old. This is what workers have been

Clayton Morris

Pfizer’s Boosters for Babies

The FDA has authorized Pfizer’s omicron booster to be given to children younger than five if they’ve had their previous three Covid vaccines. So babies can now

Clayton Morris

Biden’s China Payout

The House Oversight Committee released documents on Thursday that accuse the Biden family of receiving money through an associate from a Chinese energy company. The recipients of

Clayton Morris

Pentagon Warns of UFO Invasion

The Pentagon is warning that aliens could be visiting our solar system and releasing “smaller probes.” These probes, says researcher Sean Kirkpatrick, are much like the missions

Clayton Morris

Pfizer Lines Its Pockets

Pfizer doesn’t want to let go of those Euros! The pharma company is offering the European Union a deal: pay for Covid vaccines we don’t

Clayton Morris

The Ukraine Cyber Bot Army

Ukraine is drafting legislation to legalize a cyber army. Oh boy. Do you really want to fight a cyber army with Russia? May I remind