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Clayton Morris

WEF Warns of New Crisis

Here is a term you’re not going to like: Polycrisis. Meaning: Many interconnected crises at the same time. The World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report was published recently

Clayton Morris

Plant-Based Anti-biotics?

Scientists say that they have discovered a new type of antibiotic that comes from a plant toxin that attacks bacteria in a different way from existing antibiotics

Clayton Morris

The Social Security Problem

A new report shows that Social Security in the U.S. may not be a sure thing for some. That is because the Social Security fund

Clayton Morris

Biden’s Israeli-Palestinian Solution

The U.S. proposed a two-state solution to the Israel and Palestine conflict and both sides hate it. It may be the one thing they agree on.

Clayton Morris

About Those U.S. Biolabs in Ukraine

Russia says that it has evidence of the U.S. funding biolabs in Ukraine to conduct research on HIV/AIDS and coronaviruses as far back as 2015. The U.S. has

Clayton Morris

Is Covid A ‘Public Health Emergency’?

The U.S. will end the national emergency over Covid in May but the World Health Organization has decided that Covid still constitutes a “public health emergency of international concern.”