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Clayton Morris

Brazil Has a New/Old Leader

After a long battle, Brazil has chosen a new old president: former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. He was the president of Brazil from 2003-2010

Clayton Morris

Peace Is On The Way

Peace negotiations are progressing between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Prime Minister of Armenia Nicol Pashinyan confirmed this on Twitter on Friday. Pashinyan confirms that it was Russia

Clayton Morris

Airstrikes in Myanmar

Military jets bombed an outdoor concert with drone strikes in Myanmar on Sunday. At least 80 people were killed in the attack when Burmese singer Aurali Lahpai

Clayton Morris

PayPal Does It Again

PayPal added back that term of service that gave them the right to fine you $2,500 for content that they don’t like. Recall that a few weeks

Clayton Morris

Elon Gives The Bird

Elon Musk is now Chief Twit. Head honcho over at Twitter. The deal was closed on Thursday and soon after, Musk reportedly fired the CEO and CFO