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Clayton Morris

AstraZeneca Forced To Tell The Truth

AstraZeneca was forced to admit that its Covid vaccine can cause deadly blood clotting. The pharmaceutical company did not disclose this out of goodwill. Oh

Clayton Morris

Suspend U

Colombia University ordered students to evacuate the war protests by Monday afternoon but they didn’t so the university has begun suspending students who are still there. A

Clayton Morris

Hunter Biden vs. FOX News

Hunter Biden’s lawyers are demanding that Fox News stop using the naked and debauched photos that were leaked from his laptop. “For the last five

Clayton Morris

Boobs are Making a Comeback!

Guess what? We can call ladies boobs “boobs” again! The National Health Service in the U.K. is expected to announce a ban on gender-neutral terms for the

Clayton Morris

We Came To Lecture You

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was reportedly offended by this video of Chinese President Xi Jinping clearly not looking forward to meeting with the American diplomat.