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Clayton Morris

Will NATO Join The Fight?

Just kidding! NATO countries will not fight in Ukraine German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on X. This was necessary because French President Emmanuel Macron indicated that

Clayton Morris

Surprise! Puberty Blockers Don’t Work

A new study out of Germany shows what common sense already tells us: there is no evidence that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are effective for children

Clayton Morris

China Just Found Something Big

China discovered the world’s largest “metamorphic rock oilfield.” This means that China now has another massive source of oil and gas. It is not only a

Clayton Morris

The Great Electric Vehicle Dream Unravels

More bad news for electric vehicles. Apple has reportedly ditched its plans to build an electric vehicle and Audi has said they will ditch plans to only

Clayton Morris

Ceasefire or Not to Cease Fire?

President Biden expressed optimism about a ceasefire in Gaza but both Israel and Hamas say that his comments were “premature.” Biden was hoping the ceasefire could begin

Clayton Morris

Your Opinion Could Be “Disinformation”

The U.S.-based Global Engagement Center (GEC) wants to distinguish between “plain old opinions” and disinformation and will lead a coalition to “counter disinformation” with Canada and the