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The Washington Post is reporting that there is “no conclusive evidence” that “Russia was behind the Nord Stream attack.” You can put this in the no ‘No Duh’ file.

We kind of worked that one out for ourselves but thanks. Why would Russia attack its own pipeline that it spent billions to build and would bring them major profits from delivering oil and gas?

The Washington Post cited 23 diplomats and intelligence officers from nine countries and found that no one who took this seriously believed Russia was responsible.

The pipeline was clearly sabotaged. Explosive material was found at the explosion location and German officials say that they believe that responsible party is “state actors.” From which state then? No one wants to say.

Probably not related, but we thought we’d mention:  The U.S. has dramatically increased its natural gas exports to Europe and quadrupled its prices to make up for the destroyed pipeline. Again probably not related but we thought it was worth a mention. Nothing to see here.

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