Syria’s “Rehabilitation” In Full Swing

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Syria has been voted back into the Arab League. The country was voted out in 2011 after an outbreak of war and a Western-led regime change attempt on President Bashar al-Assad.

Foreign ministers from 13 of the league’s 22 member states attended a meeting to vote on the matter. Due to the vote, President al-Assad will be able to attend the next Arab League meeting in Saudi Arabia later this month.

In 2011, the United States backed the Al Qaeda faction of Al-Nusra to rise up against the government. The Syrian government fought back and the Western world called them a violent regime for doing what any other government would do to put down a violent uprising. The media bought into the lie of Syria launching gas attacks on their own people and the U.S. promoted crushing“sanctions of mass destruction” on the Syrian people, many of which remain in place despite the recent earthquake and need.

But the sentiment on Syria has begun to change as the lie of the Douma gas attack comes to light. The BBC calls this the “rehabilitation” of Assad.

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