Hot Mic Reveals Covid Cover-Up

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An ABC News journalist was caught on camera this weekend exposing the lies that the network was telling the world about COVID 19.

This is the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, not the U.S.-based ABC but it is still a telling artifact for how biased the media was about the pandemic.

While the reporters awaited a speech from U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, they discussed a fellow reporter named Sharri Marksen. They acknowledged that the media has called her crazy throughout the pandemic but she is turning out to be right.

ABC reporter Stephen Dziedzic essentially admits that they got Covid wrong because of internal bias.

This is embarrassing for them, sure, but it is also the clarity that explains a lot. It shows why the media has been uncritical of Covid vaccine reactions, mask mandates, the origins of Covid, and more. This admission should be public and not “caught.” We are owed this from the media.

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