CIA says Covid Came From A Lab… No Duh!

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The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has concluded that Covid-19 most likely emerged from a lab leak. Way to catch up!

The CIA joins the FBI and the Energy Department in assessing that coronavirus came from a lab leak out of Wuhan China where we now know that our own National Institute of Health was funding gain of function research.

“CIA assesses with low confidence that a research-related origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is more likely than a natural origin based on the available body of reporting,” an agency spokesman said in a statement.

It is worth remembering two things:

  1. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, purposely tried to discourage research that indicated that Covid came from a lab leak;
  2. People were maligned for saying this during the pandemic.

The statement does not say WHICH lab the virus may have leaked from. There is evidence that it could have leaked from a U.S. lab but China still refutes this finding. A spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Washington said this: “We firmly oppose the politicization and stigmatization of the source of the virus, and once again call on everyone to respect science and stay away from conspiracy theories.”

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