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President Trump pardoned two Washington DC policemen who were convicted in connection with a man’s death in 2020. They are Officer Terrence Sutton and Lt. Andrew Zabavsky. Both were convicted in relation to the death of gang member Karon Hylton-Brown.

Hylton-Brown was riding his motorbike without a helmet to avoid arrest from the officers who were pursuing him. He rode at top speed out of an alleyway and was struck by a car and died. The officers were far behind him and never touched him.

The officers were pursuing Hylton-Brown because he was a verified gang member and they had a tip that Hylton-Brown was involved in an altercation earlier that day.

The two officers were convicted and sentenced to prison but both were currently free on appeals. Prosecutors had argued that they tried to cover up what happened. But why were they really convicted for doing their job, trying to arrest a criminal? Because the Biden years had a voracious appetite for anti-police action clearly.

When speaking about the pardon on Wednesday, President Trump said this: “They were arrested, put in jail for five years, because they went after an illegal, and I guess something happened where something went wrong and they arrested the two officers and put them in jail for going after a criminal — a rough criminal, by the way — and I’m actually releasing.”

That was a mistake. Hylton-Brown was not an illegal criminal. He was a U.S. citizen who was a member of the Kennedy Street Crew.

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