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Clayton Morris

Biden Gives Greenlight for Gaza Invasion

On Wednesday, hundreds of people entered a congressional office demanding a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza. At least 100 people were arrested. The demonstrations were organized

Clayton Morris

America’s Wish For War

A Congressional report is warning that a war with Russia and China is on the horizon and the U.S. should be prepared. The report comes from the

Clayton Morris

The Queen of Europe?

Why is European Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen acting as Europe’s Secretary of State? That’s not her job. Lawmakers in Brussels are concerned about VDL

Clayton Morris

Finger Pointing Over The Carnage

Israel and the Palestinians are pointing fingers at one another over who bombed a hospital in Gaza killing at least 500 souls. The loss of

Clayton Morris

China Rolled Out The Red Carpet

Russia and China showed the world that their leaders are simpatico on Tuesday at the first day of the Belt and Road Forum for International