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Clayton Morris

The U.S. Trans Military Force

A newly released document shows the U.S. military’s policy on transgender members includes provisions to skip deployments and receive indefinite waivers for grooming, physical fitness and drug testing.

Clayton Morris

Big Pharma Gets Another Win

The FDA approved a shot for Respiratory Syncytial Virus or RSV for babies born during RSV season and children up to 24 months old who remain vulnerable to

Clayton Morris

Meet Your Next “Deadly” Virus

Is Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever the next fever? The World Health Organization and the media seem to think so. We are being told that some cases

Clayton Morris

U.N. Fumbles Grain Deal

Russia will not continue participating in the grain export deal that expires this week. This means that grain shipments out of the Black Sea could come to

Clayton Morris

Stolen Valor

Here is a good opportunity for us to see through some propaganda. The media loves the stories about American volunteers who go to fight in