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Clayton Morris

About Those Top Secret Documents

There will be a special counsel investigation into classified documents found in possession of President Joe Biden from his time as Vice President. U.S. Attorney

Clayton Morris

This Is A Hold-Up!

How do you rob a bank when the bank is cashless? You don’t. That seems to be why bank robberies simply stopped in Denmark last

Clayton Morris

Natural Gas Pains

The battle over gas stoves is coming to a boil. (Get it!?) This is an issue that has been brewing and we’ve put it on

Clayton Morris

You’re Grounded

All flights in the U.S. were grounded for 90 minutes on Wednesday due to a problem with computer systems. The White House and the FAA

Clayton Morris

About Those Top Secret Documents

More classified documents have reportedly been found in the possession of President Biden, although we don’t know where the documents were kept. This is the second batch

Clayton Morris

Monkey Off Our Backs?

Is monkeypox gone? Did we win? Health officials are cautiously optimistic about the monkeypox pandemic that wasn’t. Last month the Department of Health and Human